October 26, 2011

Strasbourg, France - October 19th

It would be impossible to be a veggitarian here! Not that a variety of veggies arent available, but the meat in the Alsance region of France is so good! I was pondering this over my dinner consisting of a fresh bread roll, soft cheese (dont know what it is), and some sort of amazing meat (also dont know what it is, though I know the label said "100% beef"). Practically in heaven right now, the only thing that would make this meal perfect would be a nice piece of cake for dessert. When I was picking up dinner from the supermarket I spied a pile of skinned rabbits at the meat counter. Their eyes were covered with little cardboard sleeping masks. From what I could see, it looks like rabbits have lots of fat on their ears. I didnt buy one as I have no way of roasting it (not actually the real reason).

I have been reading a lot of books on this trip mostly because of all the train travel but also becuase I actually have time. Once I left Germany it has been difficult to find english books for a decent price. I am reading an interesting book Brendan lent me (he said I only have a week to read it as he wants to read it after me) but I also happened to stumble upon a little english book store (book stores are called "libraries" here) that is closing down so everything is 50% off! I may have to go back again tomorrow and stock up, although carrying a load of books around in my pack isnt the best idea.

The hostel I am currently staying at runs off bookings from school groups (mostly German kids) and tours groups (mostly American collage students) so the place is packed. I managed to snag a room with only one other person, a lady from Isreal. She is a lawyer who is fascinated with the German culture although she made it clear "but not what they did to us during the War". She gave me lots of great tips if I head into Switzerland and we shared a dinner similar to what I had tonight.

I was quite proud of myself yesterday when I ordered take away lunch completely in french! Its all coming back slowly but surely. Vanessa lent me a French phrase book which I have been reviewing and I am evesdropping on converstaions to hear the proper pronounciations. I have found many words that we learn in Canadian french classes are different and the French form sentences differently. I did know this before but its a little confusing right now. More practice is all I need.

Today calls for rain. I saved all the museums for today because I am smart.

Ticket to Paris for Thursday was either 1) get up at 4:30am, swtich trains twice, travel for a total of 5.5 hours, and pay 65€ OR 2) train at 10:30, switch once, arrive by noon, and pay 3€. Why did the ticket lady even give me the first option? Do I look like I am willing to get up at 4:30? I am not on a deadline here, I paid the 3€.

Two pictures...I broke down and bought a "mini" gingerbread cookie; the view from my hostel room yesterday morning.


Ps. I discovered a snack...imagine the puffy cheesies except not cheese flavour...peanut butter flavour. Talk about weird textures :s


  1. C is for cookie!!! Nom nom nom

  2. No roast rabbit for me either.
    Got your postcard today-like the colourful clogs.
    XO Mom
