February 2, 2012

Budapest and Belgrade (Beograd)

Ok, this is a little bit of a random post as I had a few picture of Budapest that I wanted to share and a couple randoms from Belgrade. Not a whole lot to see in Belgrade, just an industrial city with a few interesting buildings and a fort but most of the city was destroyed during WWII and the subsequent wars so the historical buildings are few are far between. That said, it was freezing and snowing in Belgrade, so my camera hardly made it out of my bag as that would mean taking my mitts off to snap a photo.

Budapest, near the Parliament building. Holocaust memorial- Jews were lined up along the banks of the Danube, told to remove their shoes, then shot into the river which carried the bodies out of the city. 

Leave it to me to find the chocolate shop! Budapest, famous chocolate cafe/boutique. It was closed the whole time I was in Budapest... so sad!

Fairy statue sitting on the fence along the banks of the Danube. Modeled after the sculpture's daughter.

Famous Chain Bridge in Budapest. I am standing on the Pest side looking toward the Buda side. My, it looks like a gloomy day. No rain, but quite chilly that day.

The lovely Parliament building in Budapest. It is truly more stunning than the Buda Castle across the river. The sun finally came out for a few hours!   

Fountain on the Buda Castle grounds. Apparently it's the most photographed part of the castle. It is depicting the hunting of stag but I didn't want a big dead deer in the photo... hounds are cuter! 

Parliament from Buda Castle. 

Parliament at night. Wowza! 

Grande Market Hall, Budapest.

Grande Market Hall, Budapest. Nothing like sipping vodka shots and drinking beer at 10am... not that I was doing that, but a large group of elderly Hungarian men were. 

The only photo I took on my phone while in Belgrade: Largest Orthodox Church in the world. They've been working on it since the 40's. The outside facade is finished, now they are working on the inside. Lack of steady funding has been the major limiting factor. 

While standing at a bus stop attempting to find my hostel, I snapped this photo of the map at the stop. Belgrade city transit gets a lot of funding from the Japanese government (no idea why)... the smiley face is where I am (train station) and the heart is the "heart of the city" (and where I wanted to be). 

1 comment:

  1. breakfast Vodka & beer= potato & barley? maybe that is how it is justified. Love the old buildings & market. XO Mom
