December 13, 2011

Typical Day...

Wow, I just read the last post. Sorry about the poor grammer and awful sentence structure.

Ok, a typical day for me no matter what city I am in usually starts with getting up a half hour before breakfast is over. This can be anywhere between 9:30 and 10:30am. Next I slowly get ready for the day ahead which either involves site seeing or traveling. For site seeing days, we usually head out around 10:30 or 11 and check out the city until 2pm when we would then grab some lunch. This is usually something quick like a kebap (addicted now... will need an intervention when I get home), tapas (since being in Spain), or a baguette (but not since France... I cant even look at baguettes anymore...blah!) and a drink or two. Off for more site seeing after lunch.

We often grab food (and drinks) for dinner at a grocery store on our way back to the hostel. A big communal dinner is cooked usually by myself and another girl for the group of us that spent the day together. The night usually progresses to more drinks and lots of talking and socailizing as other people start thier dinners and join us (or we join others).

The night ends either very early (1am), early (3am), or we go all out (6am).... this last one doesnt happen that often but when it does, we still manage to be up in time for breakfast which amazes me.

A travel day depends on where I am headed. Either I am up at 6am for long train rides or 9am for short travel days. I don´t need to be up at 6am but I hate trying to find my hostel when its dark out which is around 6-7pm in Spain. If I´m up at 6am, I grab breakfast at the train station and drink the horrid coffee on the train. Horrid train coffee or horrid hostel coffee... not much difference except one is free.

Train travel is very agreeable for me. Unlike planes, I don´t get vertigo when I get off and unlike cars, I can read (for a little bit) and eat on trains. Fantastic!

When I find my hostel, I usually dump my stuff and find food. Grocery stores are usually near by so I try for those. Making dinner, having a drink, and meeting new people is how a travel day usually ends.

Today was neither a site seeing or travel day for me. I ran this morning, had breakfast, sent emails, bought myself a xmas gift (new shoes....much needed), then napped. Its cold in Madrid so site seeing isn´t really inspiring me right now.

Tomorrow I head to Marrakech, Morocco for a couple nights before venturing into the desert. I can´t wait to see how different Morocco is from Europe and North America. I think I know what to expect from talking to people who have ben there but I still feel it will be a bit of a culture shock for me. All I can hope for is to not be robbed, not get food poisoning, and no bed bugs. Thats not too much to ask for, is it? Sunny and +26 in Marrakech today. Not trying to brag but it will be a nice change from (almost) freezing Madrid. Its like an adventure within an adventure!


1 comment:

  1. Interesting how train travel works well for you.
    Need to have that here.
    Nice to do group cooking.
    XO Mom
