November 4, 2011


Ok so a lot has happened since my last post. I will say sorry in advance for spelling errors as I am typing on a French keyboard but someone changed the format so its in english format... so the letters on the keys dont match what somes out when I type. Very strange.
Went to Paris to meet Tanya and Cam and spent 3 days touring the city seeing all the typical Paris sites. Beautiful city!! I was glad to have gone back (last time was in 2004... or was is 05?). We then said good-bye to Cam and headed south to Lyon to meet up with some extended family. Dad's cousin's husband's brother and his family. So connected through the NZ side of the family. To sum up Lyon: best food I have ever eaten. All home cooked meals, all French cuisine, all into my belly. One night they served 7 different types of desserts! Yes, I tried them all. We went on a wine tour and had some "samples"... more like full glasses of which we of course spared no drop. That same afternoon we toured small French villages in the area. All the little houses and buildings are made with stones from the local mountains so they are all bright yellow with orange roofs! So beautiful! 

The French Alps were next! Our Lyon family suggested we stay in Annecy which has a huge lake, lots of good shopping, and lovely walking paths around the lake. Tanya and I checked off each one of those on our list of things to do in Annecy :) We took long walks around the lake, had picnic lunches, and shopped in the afternoon... big spenders (NOT). It was a romantic little vacation. 

I said good-bye to Tanya as it was her turn to head back home. I had planned to head to Italy but the wee little town I was going to had floods and landslides the morning I was going to head out so plans changed and I am now in Nice! What an amazing French city! I can see why celebs like this part of France although this is a good time for me to be here as all the prices have dropped (off season now) but its still sunny and hot hot hot! I have been running almost every morning while I have been here followed by a swim in the sea then sitting on the beach all day long! So far this is the best part of my trip mostly because of the beach and hot weather. My tropical kiwi blood is happy again! 

Plan for tomorrow is Monaco! Its a short bus ride away. Dont worry Mom, I wont gamble ALL my money away in Monte Carlo :) The pictures are me in Nice, Annecy France, and Nice without me in the picture.


1 comment:

  1. Who is that lovely "celeb." in the sweeping view of Nice?
    Great that you enjoyed the cousins.
    XO Mom
